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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  January 1, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EST

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in your life all the time anyway j. >> reporter: no matter what time of year? >> yes, ma'am. >> i think resolutions should be made throughout the year and you should continually try to improve yourself so i stopped making new year's resolutions. i like to get better all the time. >> reporter: so lace up, get out there. the time for a resolution is any time. in arlington, beth parker, fox 5 news. all right. here is some information that you can use, information can you use for today. hoping to find true love in 2013. here is a little advice from the doctors. don't misread your body's signals. studies have shown within just the five seconds -- within five seconds of meeting a complete stranger, our brains start churning out the feel good chemical dopamine and five minutes after that, our bodies start making adrenaline and testosterone which ups your
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chances of taking a risk. then 10 minutes later comes the oxytocin for the bonning moment. take a few minutes to ask is this love or lust? that explains why nobody liked me in college. >> why? >> clearly none of this was working for me. nobody liked me. >> air so likeable. >> that is now. >> maybe you needed to -- >> maybe it was my hair? i needed the gray hair. whatever, tucker. >> take a deep breath, a step back and think about it. >> fox 5 morning news continues right now. right now.
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all right. there it is, the countdown to 2013 at perhaps the most famous new year appear celebration of them all. more than a million people braved the chilly temperatures to watch the ball drop in times square. about a billion more watched on television. >> and the rest of us slept. good morning. we are take ago i live look at the u.s. capitol dome where they were working throughout the night. the senate making a vote on the fiscal cliff deal. the house still has to vote on that so we are continuing to watch that. that just rolled right in with the new year. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. time now to talk to tucker barnes about our weather. >> good morning to you. >> i want to hear her about love versus lust with you, wisdom. >> it is a long and winding tale. we don't have enough time in the morning to talk about all that. >> we got five hours.
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let's get to the maps. we've got clouds out there to start your day. it will be an okay day. we'll have a lot of clouds around today just like yesterday. we'll get back in the upper 30s and low 40s for daytime highs. a lot of this is not getting a chance to touch the ground although it is trying. we have a cold front off to the north and west and that will be moving through during the course of the day. it will give us a very chilly air mass here for the mid. week t could kick off a flurry or maybe a sprink follow parts of the area today. honestly, our atmosphere here in the mid-atlantic is very, very dry. not sure much is going to be able to reach the ground. here are your temperatures. it is cold in spots particularly out to the west where we've had a little clearing. 30 at dulles. 35 at bwi marshall. there is reagan national, 40 degrees. still cloudy today. you might see a peek or two of sunshine but generally cloudy with temperatures in the 40s here in town and upper 30s as
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you get north and west. 38 in gaithersburg. mid-30s in the mountains. pretty tape kal for the first day of 2013. this is about where we should be. >> okay. thank you. an update on a seven-car accident in d.c. both directions of new york avenue are back open. the pile-up happened around 2:30 near bladensburg road in northeast which is right in front of "the washington times" building. police say it involved 18 people and none of the injuries are considered life- threatening. a woman stabbed on a metrobus. police say this started when a man and woman got into an argument. the man ended up stabbing the woman in the chest, shoulder and leg. she is expected to survive. another woman suffered some sort of head injury. the suspect ran off and is still on the loose at this point. police are looking over security footage taken on the bus. bus. now to a news alert this morning. a fiscal cliff deal has been
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reached by the senate. this after members approved the deal early this morning in an 89-8 vote. >> the bill now heads to the house where its future in the republican-controlled body remains uncertain. melanie alnwick is live on capitol hill this morning with the latest on this situation. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. the deal making continue well into the night with the vote coming at 2:00 in the morning. as you said, the vote -- the bill passed 89-8. shortly after the vote, president obama said while neither decembers nor republicans got everything they wanted, this agreement is the right thing to do for our country and the house should pass it without delay. now, house speaker john boehner and his leadership team say they need it review the bill before putting it up for a vote. that could happen late today or perhaps wednesday. in the deal approved by the tonight, income tax rates will
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stay the same for most americans. individuals making $400,000 and couples making $450,000 will see their taxes rise. the planned $24 billion in spending cuts to defense and domestic programs, they've been delayed just two months. senators say it is a less than perfect plan but it is a start. >> we don't think taxes should be going up on anyone but we all knew, if we did nothing, they would be going up on everyone today. we weren't going to let that happen. each of us could spend the rest of the week discussing what a perfect solution would have looked like but the end result would have been the largest tax increase in american history. >> i'm disappointed that we weren't able to make the grand bargain as we tried to do for so long but we tried. if we do nothing, the threat of a recession is very real and passing this agreement does not mean negotiations halt, far from it. we can all agree there is more work to be done. i thank everybody for their
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patients today and they've had a lot of patience. >> reporter: now, there are a lot of little details as well in the package. it is not just the big broad strokes. we'll try to get into some of those as far as the payroll tax cut, the estate tax, the alternative minimum tax. we'll try to get into those details later in the morning. as we've been saying, this really isn't over yet. even for the house votes to approve this deal today, it is really just sort of pushing off to another day, perhaps two months down the road, that bigger fight. again, they do have to decide what to do with the planned $24 billion in spending cuts and that will come right about the time that congress has to deal with yet another bruising debt ceiling battle. >> all right. thank you. why do you think lawmaker waited until last minute? there is a lot of questions surrounding that. we are getting a lot of feedback on our facebook page.
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>> william have bad hotwood says it was to, quote, act like they are doing something for their already overrated salaries. they do this almost every year. we need to force them to change the way they work us for. share your commends our facebook page. still ahead this new year's morning. >> so, a deal has been reached mentioned in the senate. that doesn't mean the tension is gone. we'll take a look at what new year's resolution lawmakers may want to consider when we come back.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men
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facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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secretary of state hillary clinton remains in a new york city hospital this morning but doctors are optimistic she will fake a full recovery. she is being treated for a broad clot they found in her head located in the vein between the brain and the skull behind her right ear. clinton is being treated with blood thinners to dissolve the clot and doctors say the clot did not result in any neurological damage. investigators say it could take morning a month to decide whether to file charges in the crash of a tour bus in eastern oregon. nine people were killed when the driver lost control on the icy roads, hit a concrete barrier and went down a 200- foot embankment on sunday. 48 people were on the bus at
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the time of that crash. their ages range from seven to 74. a few of them are in critical condition. the bus was heading from las vegas to vancouver, canada. ate prince william county police officer died yesterday in an accident on route 28. 35-year-old chris yung died in a fare crash on route 28 near piper leap in bristow. his motorcycle collided with a minute industry van turning left. both vehicles caught fire. another driver was not hurt. officer yung worked for the department for seven years. he leaves behind a wife who is also a police officer and their three children. coming up next, from a giant peach to a giant moon pie. >> all right. we'll have more on creative ways people rang in the new year. first, here is tucker barnes. >> we're cloudy and cold to start your day. should be a rather typical january 1st. what does that mean? i'll have the details on your weather and yes, we'll have all
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that and more coming up after the break.
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people in georgia celebrating the new year with a giant peach. how appropriate. the 800 pound peach has helped bring in the new year every year since 1989. i kind of like it. why not? jive avenue been down there when they've done it. >> next door in alabama, and 08-
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hound moon pie helped people ring in the new year in mobile. it was served at the city's monday pie drop. the event went to help a local shelter for homeless women. >> i would be afraid that the moon pie drop could be a little messy. got to be careful. >> got to break off pieces of it. >> that is the real thing there. >> that is a serious moon pie. >> i like the yellow moon pies better. >> do you? >> yeah. >> banana? >> yeah. love them. >> that was fascinating conversation there about moon pies. >> this early and it is a holiday. >> by the way, this is a live look outside. that was a live look outside as we continue our fascination with moon pies and peaches this morning. >> there are some people probably watching this time of the day that just got home that are like wow, that sounds good. >> moon pies and peaches. >> moon pies are very good late at night.
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>> did you have your black-eyed peas? >> no, i'm not familiar with that tradition. >> didn't we say it was like a southern thing. >> i guess it is southern. >> i had mine just to be on the safe side. i had them early this morning. the first thing i ate this morning, black-ayed peas and corn bread. >> did you save me some. >> no. i have some at home. i can bring it tomorrow. >> if you get tired of us, can you turn the channel. >> i got some greens too. >> temperatures now in the upper 30s to about 40. we've hay little clearing so temperatures have been able it fall back into the 30s. 34 this morning in manassas and gaithersburg. dulles, 30 degrees. you are below freezing out at dulles. 36 in frederick. quantico, 3 degrees. kind of your typically cool day here for january 1st. expecting highs later today only in the low 40s. ron why, i've got a cold front coming through and the cloud cover going to kind of hold temperature back a little bit
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here later this afternoon. might be a sprinkle or light flurry. the atmosphere locally is very, very dry and so as the moisture falls through, it is unable to reach the ground. i don't think you will see more than a passing flurry here today if you are well out to the west or perhaps a sprinkle, particularly south of town. you can see we've got a few showers down across the far southern maryland. that is going to be about it. what is happening, cold front and we're just here off to the north and west. that will get through here later this afternoon and tonight. eventually, as it passes south of us later tonight and early tomorrow, we should see some clearing and back into sunshine by tomorrow. but you can see that we've got a lot of clouds here across the mid-atlantic and looking out to the west. so it should be a cloudy day. most of this moisture will stay to our south here a little later this afternoon. fur heading down towards richmond at the crimes, you've got a better chance of a few showers. futurecast showing some of that shower activity south. generally richmond and south here at 10:00 a.m. we are just kind of cloudy here for the day. we'll go through the afternoon. by early tomorrow morning, we've cleared out so we'll be
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cold tonight with the clearing skies and then back in the sunshine with cold temperatures around here for your wednesday. mostly cloudy today. could be a sprink. that will be the worst it was if you see any moisture at all. winds out of the west at five to 10. getting cold tonight as we gradually clear out. slight chance of a flurry or sprinkle. the temperatures stay a little bit on the cool side for this time of year, wednesday, thursday and friday with a bit of a warm-up for the weekend back in the 40s by saturday and sunday. this is not a stormy week. nice and quiet here all week long with generally dry conditions here. maybe we'll get something going by the end of the weekend. that is a look at weather. back to you at the desk. >> 2013 means new laws take effect across the nation. >> the changes impact things large and small. in our area, history is being made.
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>> reporter: when the ball drops in times square, a host enough laws will take effect across the country. gay couples in maryland will able to tie the knot legally. nine states and the district of columbia have now legalized same-sex marriage. maryland is the first state south of the mason-dixon line to make gay marriage legal. workers in two more states can say no to bosses demanding access to their social media accounts like facebook or twitter. laws in california and illinois are on taking effect making it illegal for employers to make workers give access to their password protected social networking accounts. hundreds of thousands will ring in the new year with more money in their paychecks. ten states across the country are raising the minimum wage for 2013. most of the pay bumps come from state cost of living adjustments that account for inflation. washington state will still hold the title of having the highest minimum wage in the
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country at $9.19 an hour. that is after the 15-cent new year bump kicks in. no more hogs running wild in kentucky. a new law in that state will make it ill had for residents to release feral or wild hogs back into the wild. and keep those swamp buggies off the roads here in florida. as of tomorrow, the state of florida no longer recognizes the all-terrain big machines as motor vehicles. in miami, happy new year, phil keating, fox news. >> i had no idea wild hogs were such a problem in kentucky. >> not a problem anymore. they said you can't have them. problem solved. coming up next, a problem that is still ongoing. the thrill fight here in the u.s. was fierce. >> taxes were a central sticking point. can you imagine a 75% income tax hike. we'll tell you where that was proposed and where it stands now.
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>> we don't want to live there. we want to hear your comments on the fiscal cliff deal. why do you think lawmakers waited until the last minute to reach it. sure your comments with us on our facebook page and we may share them on air. fox 5 morning news back in a moment. 
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hundreds pouring into the street of the most romantic city.
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crowds gathering in paris to ring in 2013. officials say many tourists flocked to the city for the new year. that would be a wonderful place to be. >> if you had the money to get over there, it would be cool. >> those looking to europe in coming up with tax rates that target the rich may want to rethink their strategy. >> a french court recently blasted a new program to target some of the wealthiest. >> reporter: the court ruled a planned 75% tax on those earning a million euros should be thrown out as unfair. it had already been blasted as anti-entrepreneurial. it was branded at the government trying to balance the budget on the backs of the rich. the planned tax hike had sparked word that at least some
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high rollers were deciding to leave the country. but analysts say the high taxing french ruler is not really defeated. it was thrown out more on a technicality. government is planning to issue a rewarded tax bill and claps there were new tax hinges that the court left in part in mace. the french stock market seemed to like the message. it was up more than a half percent in a shortened trading day. it looks like james bond can do it all. the recently released skyfall is now the most successful bond movie in franchise history. it has earned more than $1 billion worldwide. the film is only the 14th movie of all time to hit the $1
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billion mark. others include the avengers and the dark knight rises. adam housley has the details on the hollywood nation report. >> reporter: bilbo beats yank owe, ryan's resolution and kim is knocked up in the hollywood nation. kim kardashian and kanye west are having a kid. kanye announced the big news in front of 5,000 fans at a concert in atlantic city. the two have been dating since march but kim's divorce from basketball player chris humphries is not yet finalized. as part of their new global partnership, pepsi announced fans can win the chance to join beyonce on stage during the super bowl half time show.
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just submit photos. 50 winers get picked to introduce her performance. ryan seacrest's new year's resolution, get rid of his two left feet. he feels pressure to be as good as his girlfriend. and the hobbit an unexpected journey stayed atop the box office for the third week in a row bringing in $32.9 million over the weekend edging out newcomers django unchained with $30.7 medical onand les miserables with $28 million. in hollywood, adam housley, fox news. back to the morning's big story. down to the wire deal in the fiscal cliff. >> the senate approved the compromise in an early morning vote. we'll break down all the details coming up next. >> also ahead, history is made in maryland today for the first time. same-sex marriages can now take place on the first day of 2013. fox 5 morning news is back in a moment. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt.
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we perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh.
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welcome back. pope benedict xvi celebrated new year's at the vatican. the 58-year-old pontiff led the mass of thanksgiving at st. peter's basilica where he urged the faithful to take a step back from negativity in the media. he is convinced that peace will prevail in 2013 despite the inequality, terrorism and unregulated financial capitalism that afflict the
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world today. at the end ever the celebration, the pope went outside to the square to pray. we are asking questions of you. what traditions do you have for the new year? share them with you on our facebook page. a lot of you already talking. >> natasha smith says her tradition is pigging out on junk feed and watching new year's rocking eve until the ball drops in times square. >> i like that tradition. >> that as i good one. >> she should add onto that waking up after all that and watching us as well. >> a few people are watching this morning. taking a live look outside right now. this is -- what are we looking at right now. >> it looks like reagan national? >> i thought that is what it was but i wasn't sure. shouldn't be too bad in you are flying around to new year's.
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>> weatherwise, we'll be fine. not going to be a great looking day. got a lot of clouds in the forecast. but if you want to hang out on the couch and watch football today -- >> i like that. can we do that now. >> we have been doing that for the past hour. >> that is top secret. >> remember back in the old days when there were all the bowl games on january 1st. >> used to be like six or seven, maybe eight bowl games at the most but now everybody goes to a bowl game. you win five games and you go for a bowl game. >> not the same. >> we are 40 degrees. 40 at reagan national. 30 in pittsburgh. these temperatures rather typical for this time of year. new york is a little bit on the warm side, 39 degrees. 16 in chicago. cold out to the north and west. all right. we've got a cold front. that is why it is so cold in chicago and there is colder air behind this front that will get through here later this afternoon, really tonight before it starts to clear the area. that is why we've got a lot of clouds in the forecast.
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could there be a sprinkle or a flurry today? yes, but our atmosphere locally is very dry and so much of what tries to fall from the sky for the likely to reach the ground here. we are going to be in for a fairly comfortable day here with temperatures expected to be in the low 40s. mostly cloudy, 42 will be your daytime high. could be a sprinkle or flurry. >> thank you, tucker. now to a news alert this morning. in a race against the clock. the senate passes a fiscal cliff bill. >> president obama says the agreement is the, quote, right thing to do for our country. but now the legislation moves to the house where its future is uncertain. fox's patty ann brown has the story. >> reporter: senate lawmaker voted overwhelmingly in favor of legislation to avert the fiscal cliff. >> the bill as amended is passed. >> reporter: vice president joe biden in a visit to the capitol monday night maybing the pact he negotiated with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. prior to the vote, the vice
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president said he felt confident about the deal but stayed away from making any predicts. >> having been in the senate as long as i have, there are two things you shouldn't do. you shouldn't predict how the senate is going to vote before they vote. you won't make a lot of money. and number two, you surely shouldn't predict how the how is going to vote. i feel very, very good. >> reporter: if passed by the house, the deal would stop most tax increases and spending cuts aimed at the pentagon and domestic programs that were set to take effect today. >> i've said all along our most important priority was to protect the middle class families. this legislation does that. middle class families will wake up today to the assurance that their taxes won't go up. >> reporter: democratic senator tom harkin suggested the selection missed the mark. >> it does not address the number one priority, creating good middle class jobs now. secondly, this proposal does not generate the revenue necessary for the country to meet its needs. >> reporter: republican senate
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minority leader mitch mcconnell says neather side got everything it wanted. >> so it took an imperfect solution to prevent our constituents from a very real financial pain, but in my view, it was worth the effort. >> reporter: the republican- controlled house is expected to begin considering the bill later today. a final vote is expected in the next day or two. passage is not at all certain. in new york, patty ann brown, fox news. >> why do you think lawmakers waited until the last minute? we are getting a lot of feedback on our facebook page. >> margaret rose hickerson writes, because our leaders have very different and opposite views about what truly work to make america stronger. they've had months to deal with this. if we did our jobs like they do theirs, we would all be unemployed. there you go. another big story we are following, gay marriage ceremonies are under way in maryland. some same-sex couples rang in the new year by taking their
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vows. they were able to get a marriage lance in the free state for about three weeks. dozens of same-sex weddings are scheduled for today and that includes some at city hall in baltimore and a mass wedding event at the black walnut point inn. maryland is also banning arsenic in chicken feed and allowing parents to freeze their child's credit in an effort to prevent identity theft. in virginia, it will be harder for state and local governments to take property in the name of eminent domain. and insurance agents will have to inform property owns if their policy excludes coverage for earthquake damage. the new year means a new look for d.c.'s taxi cabs. the city is rolling out a modernization program. the first phase starts today. vehicles 15 years or older have to be taken out of service. changes also ban any vehicle more than five years old with more than 300,000 miles on it from being placed into service as a d.c. cab. coming up next on fox 5
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morning news. >> they are hard at work and far from home. but troops still managed to find time to bring in 2013. more on a celebration in afghanistan when we come back. 
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today, the national archives will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the
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emavens participation proclamation way special reading at 9:00 this morning. you can see the document on display at the national archives today. in honor of the anniversary, the post office is releasing a new forever stamp today. -- the 150th anniversary of the emancipation proclamation with a special reading at 9:00 this morning. soldiers inen capital city of kabul gathered and daned the night away. many of the soldiers say the party is fun but they wish they could have celebrated with their family. >> i miss my family and friends. i feel we have a very important mission here and a very important job and i feel it has been a good nine months here. but i miss my family and we're vague good time here in afghanistan though. >> i'm actually really excited. it is the chance of a lifetime. not very many people get a chance to come into a country and hopefully make a
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difference. >> nato has more than 100,000 troops in the country including some 66,000 american troops. glad they were table to take time out. >> they are doing great work protecting our country. >> thank you for the service. >> we appreciate the service. still ahead on fox 5 morning news this new year's day. >> christmas and new year appear celebration have passed. but redskins fans have something to look forward to. we are talking more about sunday's redskins seahawks showdown later on in sports breakfast. 
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baltimore, just one of many cities across the u.s. to bring in the new year with a fireworks display. the celebration has an evening that includes a fireworks display. it is the largest in the region. quite a celebration. and now, it is quiet after. but it has not been quiet on capitol hill. that is for sure. they were working well into the night. senate passing a deal on the fiscal cliff situation. of course, now, we are waiting on the house to take that up. hopefully today, maybe tomorrow. melanie alnwick is live on top of that story for us this morning from capitol hill.
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we'll check in with her coming up in a little bit. so why do you think lawmakers waited until the last minute to deal with this particular issue? we are getting a lot of feedback on our facebook page this morning. so we want you to give us some comments as well. so put your comments on our facebook page, what you think about the fiscal cliff and why you think they waited this long to deal with this issue. >> there is a lot of reasons. i don't think there is just one but we would like to hear what you think. so please make sure to go to our facebook fan page. >> we are starting off 2013 2013 much like we left 2012. all in all, an okay day. not going to be perfectly beautiful. people just hanging out anyway. >> the first day of the new year. >> most people don't have to go to work which is always a bonus. >> lets he get start -- start wade look at our headlines -- let's get started with a look
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at our headlines. we are falling back into the mid- to upper 30s at this hour. we've had a little bit of clearing to the north and west and that has allowed temperatures in some spots to start to dip down to the low 30s. 34 in manassas. here in the city, we are 40. last hour, we were in the 30s here in town. 41 in leonardtown. annapolis, we are getting the right temperature this morning for you. it is 40 degrees. looking at the satellite-radar, here is what is happening. this is the rope we've got a lot of clouds in the forecast for today. cold front, you can see most of the energy, most of the precipitation in the form of rain off to the south and west. and this little frontal system out here just to the north and west of the rain, that will be pushing through the area later this afternoon and tonight. we are going to have a left clouds in the forecast today. we've got a very dry atmosphere overhead. what that means is anything that tries for fall in the form of snow and/or rain into our very dry atmosphere is evaporating. so you might see a flurry or sprinkle today, flurry if you
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are well north and west, sprinkle around here. that will be about it. the front will get through here tonight and we should be back in the sunshine tomorrow. the forecast getting better from here. today, mostly cloudy. sprinkle possible. winds west at five to 10. we'll get into tonight, 32 the overnight low. winds out of the north at five to 10. your accu-weather seven-day forecast, back in the sunshine tomorrow. we've got cold temperatures to kick off 2013, highs in the 30s for a couple of days here. wednesday, thursday and friday, overnight lows in the 20s. right now, the weekend looks dry. might be some storminess towards the end ever the won and early next week. right now, we've got sunshine but we'll have to keep a close eye on that. that is weather. happy new year. back to you, sarah and wisdom. >> thank you very much. new york has the crystal ball drop. key west, florida gets a little help from our four-legged friends. in sunny key west, bring in
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2013 by strolling down the street for the annual dachsund walk. they are walking down the street with dogs for the new year. the dog walk is a prelude to the evening celebration. that is an interesting take. >> everybody has their own traditions. >> clearly. i like the moon pies and peaches. shocker, i know. >> anything to do with food. >> yes. >> get your new year's started right with a big sports breakfast. >> lots to talk about this morning. dave ross is here with more on what they are saying about the victory. we spend a lot of time on the feed because a chicken is what it eats. [ jim ] this seal verifies we feed my fresh all-natural chickens
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an all-vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans, and marigolds. no animal by-products. no meat and bone meal. when you put my chicken on the table, you know where it came from.
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that i put on my children's plate. that's why we use all-white meat, breading that is whole grain with omega-3 and no preservatives. it is my goal to make the highest quality, best-tasting nugget on the market. i want consumers to go, "dang, that's a good nugget."
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welcome back. time now for sports breakfast. dave ross is here. >> happy new year. >> did you pop any bubbles last night? >> i had a good time last night. >> what time did you shut it down. >> 8:00. >> what about you? >> i was in bed by 7:00. >> i have to admit. i made it all the way. >> to what? >> to midnight. i saw the little taylor swipt thing and i'm like who is this chick and then the ball drop. it was a good time. i think the redskin having a great time. forget about 2012. we are never, ever, ever going back to 2012. it is now rg iii and when they
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have the draft class that they had last year in 2012, it was great. it may pay dividends right now in 2013. this is the hottest team going in the nfl with seven straight wins. there is your sixth round pick. there is that great celebration we love so much from alfred morris who is now the redskins all time single season rushing record after an incredible game against the cowboys to bury them with 200 yards rushing and three touchdowns. incredible. first division crown since 1999 for this team. first playoff appearance since 2007. they played also in 2005 against seattle. i don't think we saw this coming. mike shanahan, did you? >> it is so rewarding to come in and try to put something together and seeing the guys so excited, the coaching staff so excited. it is what you work for. and to see guys working for the last three years 18 hours a day
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in the draft room being looking at pro players evaluating these guys, signing these guys and seeing a lot of guys making different steps hearing the offense, defense and actually stepping up and accomplishing something, you feel very good about it. >> elizabeth our producer says he has never looked more refreshed and well rested. he is smiling, having a good time. >> winning cures everything. >> it really does. but we've been around shanahan now. this is his heard year and he has always been like that with us at least luckily in the media in training camp. it has change the the first two years because they haven't done so well in the regular season. nice to see them smiling now in january and preparing for the big of the game they've had in six years around this town. if they get it done, one more week to go. seattle comes in here. that is a good football team. but i don't think seattle travels well. we touched upon this a little bit yesterday. we'll delve deep near this as the day goes o it is not
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necessarily the type of team that is built for grass fields, outdoor play. they are a turf team. they are a west coast team, undefeated at home. very shoddy on the road. so we'll see if they can actually be standing after this week comes up. now, this defense has really stepped up in the seven-game winning streak. richard crawford, another rookie, a seventh round pick and rob jackson really sealed the cowboys fate with this pick late. tony romo, don't know what that play was all about. we'll have lorenzo alexander coming up at 9:30 to talk more about this defense. it has been the difference in the seven-game winning streak. >> i can't explain the feeling especially against them. everybody knows what that meant to me. i probably wanted to win more than anybody, man. it is bittersweet for me. >> we knew we had a lot of talent. we just had to show it. this is just showing that all the stuff we do in the off season, it wasn't for nothing, man. i'm just proud of us.
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>> they should be proud. again, this is a unit that had been much maligned at the beginning of the year. jim hazlett, a lot of people called for his job. not going to get fired. he might get a raise. to put that patchwork unit together the way they have to me is remarkable. i for one can sit here and tell you i didn't see this coming, not with this unit. so to be able to do what they've done is truly remarkable. you just don't see that in the nfl. and doing it with a unit that, let's be honest, they lost a ton of guys due to injuries and other guys due to suspension and they have just next man up as been the mentality. >> they overcame everything. >> they did. lorenzo at 9:30 can talk about that. he is one. guys that had to step up and fill one of those gaps. kudos to the shanahans and the redskins. happy new year and seattle coming on sunday. >> all right. cool. >> all right.
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>> there it is. and don't go anywhere. 3:30 is a special. and 4:30 is the nfl boys nationally and then the kickoff at 4:30. >> state ahead, we are talking more about the fiscal cliff. >> the senate passes a compromise in the early morning vote. the plan still has to clear the house. now for our facebook fan of the day. today, we say hello to redskins fans for life amy robinson bramer. amy has the chance of being our first facebook fan of the year. fox 5 morning news back in a moment.  oh!
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